About Us
Welcome! We are Annie Vinik and Laura Hosid. We draw on our enthusiasm for supporting students and our years of professional experience to help students and their families manage the college admissions and application process.
There is not just one "right" college for a student; there are a variety of colleges where a student can thrive.
The college admissions process should be a period of personal reflection and growth.
Students must take ownership of the admissions process in order to prepare for the transition to college and adult life.
As college counselors, our role is to offer sound advice and help students make informed decisions as they manage their admissions process.
Students shine in the admissions process when they explore their interests both inside and outside of the classroom in meaningful ways.
Although the college admissions process is more competitive and complex than ever, it is an opportunity for growth. We love supporting students as they plan for meaningful high school experiences and discover the world of college choices where they could thrive. We help students stay open-minded, dream big, and put their best foot forward – while also acknowledging the unpredictability of the admissions process.
We are effective because we are experienced and because we love what we do. We have helped thousands of students navigate the college admissions process, and we also draw on our many years working on high school and college campuses. We use this experience to help students discover their interests and goals as well as to identify colleges – and campus experiences – that are just right for them.
We have visited hundreds of campuses across the country and take great pride in helping students find colleges that match their interests. And because we work together as a team, our students enjoy getting to know one of us well but benefit from our collective wisdom.
While applying to college can be challenging and time-consuming, our organized approach to college counseling goes a long way toward making the process manageable, meaningful – and sometimes even enjoyable!
Vinik Hosid Group College Matriculations 2020-2024
American University
Amherst College
Barnard (2)
Boston College (5)
Boston University (3)
Bowdoin (2)
Brandeis (4)
Brown (11)
Bryn Mawr (2)
Carnegie Mellon (2)
Case Western
Christopher Newport
Claremont McKenna (2)
Clemson (2)
Colby (2)
College of Charleston (2)
Colorado College
Columbia University (2)
Cornell (4)
Dartmouth (2)
Denison (2)
DePaul University
Duke (5)
Elon (4)
Emerson (2)
Emory (6)
Franklin & Marshall
Fordham (2)
George Mason
George Washington
Georgetown (6)
Georgia Tech (3)
Harvey Mudd
Haverford (4)
Hobart & William Smith
Holy Cross
Indiana University (4)
James Madison
Johns Hopkins
Lewis & Clark
Louisiana State University
Miami of Ohio
Michigan State (2)
Middlebury (3)
New York University (7)
Northeastern (8)
Northwestern (6)
Notre Dame (3)
Oberlin (2)
Ohio State (2)
Old Dominion
Penn State (3)
Pomona (2)
Princeton (2)
Rhodes College
Rice University (4)
Shenandoah University
Smith (2)
Syracuse (5)
Temple University
Trinity College
Trinity University
Tufts (13)
Tulane (15)
U of Alabama
UC-Berkeley (3)
UCLA (2)
UC-San Diego
UC-Santa Cruz
University of Chicago (6)
U of Colorado - Boulder (4)
U of Delaware (2)
U of Denver
U of Florida
U of Georgia (5)
U of Illinois
U of Kentucky
U of Maryland (10)
U of Massachusetts
U of Miami (5)
U of Michigan (10)
U of New Hampshire
U of Oklahoma
U of Pennsylvania (3)
U of Pittsburgh (9)
U of Richmond
U of Rochester (3)
U of South Carolina
U of Southern California
U of St. Andrews (2)
U of Texas - Austin
U of Toronto
U of Utah (2)
U of Vermont (5)
U of Virginia (8)
U of Washington (2)
U of Wisconsin (10)
Vassar (2)
Vanderbilt (4)
Virginia Tech (4)
Wake Forest (7)
Warren Wilson
Washington College
WashU St. Louis (7)
Wesleyan (4)
William & Mary
Worcester Polytech (2)
Yale (4)
Get Started!
We can’t wait to help you find the right college for you!
Based in the Washington, DC area, working with families across the country and world.